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Posts tagged ‘hope’

Disasters at our doorsteps

It is the start of a new year, 2022, and we often look back at the year that has passed. I’d say 2021 was a year of “changes and challenges”. It also seemed to be the year that climate change reared its ugly head in a big way, apparent to the majority that global warming is here and we as humans are the main cause. And sadly, so many around the globe felt the repercussions of a warming planet, in the many disasters that played out. I live in a place on Earth where I see and feel the climate change crisis, but not in abject or disaster-like ways. It makes me thankful that so far, so good, but let’s not forget all those who have lost so much. Here’s a bit of a recap so we keep those dear ones in our thoughts and prayers as they rebuild their homes, lives and all they have lost.

Hurricane Ida devasation

Hurricane Ida hit with a force only second to Hurricane Katrina. Then it made its way across the country, causing epic rain and flooding to the East coast. Many lives were lost in the path of this massive storm.

West coast wildfires

The West coast of the U.S. saw extreme drought conditions, heat waves of unprecedented proportions, and wildfires that sparked and spread out of control. It took many months of tireless time and energy to fight these fires, and many are still grappling with the aftermath.

the aftermath of floods in Germany

Western Germany and Eastern Belgium experienced extreme rains in July that caused massive flooding. Many experts say that these deadly floods were exacerbated by climate change.

a 6 state path of destruction

In December a supercell of storms that spawned tornadoes reached across 6 states in the southern U.S., during a time of year that normally would not see this type of weather event. Close to 100 lives were lost along with countless damage and devastation.

winter wildfires in Colorado

And to end the year of many aberrant weather events and disasters, winter wildfires with extreme winds broke out in Colorado, forcing many to flee their homes in shock. Thankfullly no lives were lost and in a strange twist of fate, snowfall that followed helped to put out the flames.

This is a short and incomplete list of all that happened in a year of weather related events, some incredibly damaging and devastating. But let’s not give up hope, we can still shift the course of climate change. As intelligent and innovative beings, we have the skills and know-how to put actions into place that will reverse the destructive course we’re on. And for those of us untouched in such horrendous ways, let’s all count our many blessings.