a warm and welcome place to share words and thoughts

In this world of so much stuff out there, I try not to get pulled into buying this or that next great thing. But after careful research, opinions from others and consideration, I am now the proud owner of many colorful and comfortable Bombas socks.

Now this is not a promo for their product, as much as I love these socks. But rather a story about some great customer service and very great mission statement. You see, for every Bombas item purchased, this company pays it forward and donates the same item to a non-profit. I’ll admit, that swayed my decision to purchase these yes, rather costly socks.

And I recently had a chance to test out their replacement policy, a no matter what happened we will replace your item. So after doing laundry one day and finding only one yellow sock, let’s see if they walk their talk. And they do! I wrote about my dilemma and was happily and quickly sent a pair of replacement socks, wow!

Well the other day as I put on a pair of pants, out pops the missing yellow sock, of course! And in my mailbox was the brand new replacement pair, hmmm, what to do? Do I keep an extra pair of socks I really don’t need?

No, I decided in that moment to follow the Bombas example and pay it forward. Our local coffee shop has a donation box for items that go to young people needing a bit of help, new clothing, toiletries, that kind of stuff. So I shared and payed it forward and now I once more have a complete pair of bright and beautiful yellow Bombas once more. And hopefully some lovely young person will enjoy their pair of socks as much as I do.

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