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Archive for the ‘poetry’ Category

Words of hope

Today we honor one of the great peacemakers, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. He showed us that great change can come about in peaceful yet effective, meaningful ways. And yes, his work to bring about justice and respect for all still continues.

And I wanted to share the beautiful poetic words of hope from a gifted poet, Langston Hughes. In his own way he kept hope alive for the world that he dreamt of, a world of equality and respect for all. Let these words sink in and take away the fear that keeps us apart. It is time for all of us to create a world of love and respect for all.

Another poem

When I found a 50% off Amtrak fares deal back in May, I jumped on it and got myself a round trip ticket to Portland for a fall visit, a much needed getaway. Then I proceeded to find a nice AirBNB in North Portland and I’m all set! At that time I was confident that our world would be mask-free and out of the clutches of the pandemic. Boy was I mistaken…

Fast forward to a couple weeks away from my Portland trip and say hello to the Delta variant of COVID, spreading all over the place and now we seem to be back to square one. The thought of 36 hours on the train with a mask was feeling all wrong, as well as the big uptick in COVID cases in Portland. And where are most of the terrible wildfires taking place? Out west, the direction of my travels. And the last sad straw was a resurgence of violent gatherings in Portland, with a shooting death occuring in the very neighborhood where I was going to stay.

With a very heavy heart I cancelled my plans. I was so looking forward to reconnecting with the place I call my “pretty city”, my home for five wonderful years. But sadly it ain’t so pretty these days. After I cried some tears I came to realize that hey, with all the disasters playing out and pandemic resurge, having to cancel a trip for fun is not the end of the world. So I’ll stay home for a time where I count my blessings, and send out some blessings to those dealing with the difficulties playing out in so many places. And like the rest of us I learn to make better friends with uncertainty.

Travel Wrenches

How does one fulfill the wanderlust

In a world full of wrenches thrown in

There’s the pandemic wrench that never seems to end

And the wildfire wrench turns the skies and our lungs a sooty gray

Water from the skies teams up with the wrench of the wind to flood and destroy our world

And saddest of all is the wrench of violence, human against human

There are those intrepid travelers who make their way despite the obstacles

But I’ll wait for a better day to do my exploring, a day that is free from the travel wrenches

A poem to start the week

This painted rock I found one day brings a simple but profound message. It reminds me of the hippie movement, simple words like peace and love, crazy ways like painted rocks hidden around town. But we could probably use some of that hippie vibe lately, just fine tuning it a bit. Our world is meant to be so much more peace and love, so let’s be hippies in our own wonderful ways.

We Can All Be Hippies

We don’t have to wear tie-dyed clothing

Or grow our hair long

We don’t have to do drugs

No “turn on, tune in, drop out” philosophy

We don’t have to live in a commune

Or grow our own food

But we can all be hippies

We can practice more peace & love

A little less material worship

And a lot more dancing in the streets

Everyone invited to the dance!

And our home is known as Mother Earth

So let’s be hippies for these times we live in

Let’s really see the love that is all around us

Let’s better share the love that is in us

Hold high the peacemakers, follow their lead

Honor all the life forms that reside here

And do our best to help Mother Earth heal

my tree hugging self

A little Earth poem

As I enjoyed my morning coffee time, I decided to read a few poems, a nice type of morning meditation. The book I chose is one of short but sweet odes to the Earth, entitled Honoring the Earth: A Journal of New Earth Prayers. And I happened to find one that speaks to the part of me so very concerned about climate change. Then my inner artist spoke to me and I ended up creating a collage around this poem. I find the words in this poem to be a great affirmation, words that more and more of us should adhere to, a vow to help Mother Earth heal.

Dog time

I am headed back to Minnesota for a visit in May, and I am looking forward to seeing my family and friends, and spending some quality time with them. And besides those lovely souls I am planning to spend time with, I am thoroughly looking forward to some dog time!

I will most certainly be seeing my daughter and son-in-law’s two dogs, Chopper and Boe Boe, as well as my son’s dog, named Buster, and I am making sure to pencil in time to see “my girl”, my collie named Maddie who I had to leave behind with my ex-husband when I moved to Portland. And sadly, I will also be sure to visit the grave site of my other dog, Kirby the lovable cocker spaniel, who recently passed away after a happy and fulfilled dog life of twelve years.

When I went back for a Christmas visit in December of 2011, I stayed at my daughter and future son-in-law’s home for most of that time. So I got to know Chopper and Boe Boe quite well, and was inspired by their day to day antics enough to write a poem about each of them. Boe Boe is the elder one of the dog household; he is a mellow mutt who had the run of the place until the little guy came around. And Chopper, with his boundless Jack Russell terrier energy is about as different from Boe Boe as night from day. But they have learned to love each other, with Boe Boe accepting Chopper into the family, and helping to breathe maybe a bit more life into the old boy.

Those of us who are blessed to experience the love of a pet, be it dog or cat or even a goldfish, know of the special bond that ensues from such a relationship. I look forward to having some very special dog time when I go for my visit in May; as I once more get to experience some unconditional love in the way that only our pets can bring.

Chopper and Boe Boe

Chopper and Boe Boe



My name is Boe Boe

I was here first

Before the little one

But it doesn’t matter

I let him think he is cuter than me

He wants to play

As puppies do

He gnaws on my neck

Thinking I will accept

his invitation to run and play

But I like to rest these days

I had my time of

playing and puppy-ness

So when the little one runs in circles

I curl in a ball and watch

And remember my days of such behavior

I am Chopper

My house is an obstacle course

I jump onto the couch

I am tiny, like a cat

So I run along the back of it

Then onto the other couch

And I leap!

I fly through the air to the chair

A perfect landing!

I do not require a net

I am nimble – a jumper of great heights!

Then I dig in the toy box

And take out many toys

And leave them

Later I will take out more toys

And leave those also

Then for fun

I run in and out of my kennel

But I don’t stay in there too long

Because sometimes they lock the door!

I hear a noise outside

Or is it in my head?

It doesn’t matter

I bark anyway!

All of this is very tiring

I finally rest

Until 5 a.m. – at the very latest!

Then it is time to get up

And run the obstacle course again

Kirby, now in Doggie Heaven

Kirby, now in Doggie Heaven



Memories of Kirby


A white ball of fluff

Tiny and nestled in a laundry basket

Comes home to join our family

The roly-poly puppy

Grows into a handsome dog

Who never quite learns to enjoy

Being bathed or groomed

But he behaves like a gentleman

So kind to all who care for him


If you happened to say the word “walk”

Be prepared to grab the leash

He always enjoyed the forays and adventures

Into the woods and down the roads

Seeming to find great pleasure

In scaring up a bird or two


Thoughts of food filled his mind


His tastes ranging

From potato peelings

To rabbit poop

And anything in between


Not content to lie on the floor

Our furniture was his furniture

Our bed was his bed

Snuggling close at night

Sharing a pillow

Sharing love


And his body aged

As all bodies do

Now he romps once more

Seeing clearly, running freely

Uninhibited, unencumbered

He left us but left his love

And sweet memories of Kirby

Maddie girl

Maddie girl
















You’ve come a long way baby! Well, maybe not..

The words to a poem started coming to me this morning as I had my morning cup of coffee. I wanted to use the word “wellspring” in my poem, but I wanted to make sure that I was using it in the right context. I didn’t have my computer on yet, so I grabbed my paperback copy of the Merriam-Webster dictionary I had bought a few years back, before I realized that the online version was much more useful.

As I turned to the W’s toward wellspring, I happened to notice a definition listed for the word “well-endowed”; a word that I thought would never merit an entry in a dictionary. But there it was, and just for fun I read the definition, which soon turned my smile to a frown. I read the two definitions listed – 1: having plenty of money or property  and 2: having large breasts. Seriously? Really? Someone actually had the male chauvinistic, misogynistic gall to write and then allow the second definition to be published? It was almost as if someone had channeled the spirit of Noah Webster himself, from the early 19th century he lived in, and asked his definition of the word. Because this could not possibly be the work of any respectable 21st century writer; hadn’t we come so much farther than that?

So my question to Merriam-Webster would be, in the light of modern day equal rights for both men and women, where was entry 3, which would most certainly be:  having a large penis. That might help to take away the sting from the slap in the face that definition number 2 seems to be, and let’s give the guys their time in the spotlight too, right?

Memories of sunshine on a rainy day

After three glorious months of perpetual blue skies and sunshine, Portland now shows her winter colors of gray skies and silvery raindrops. But I finally received the package in the mail the other day, with the cds containing all the photographs from my daughter’s wedding. Perfect timing, and a rainy day project emerges as I sort through 700+ pictures taken on that special day.

Through a mother’s eyes they are all perfect pictures. How will I ever narrow it down to a reasonable number? It helped to have a pretty white photo album to place them in that only holds 100 pictures; that set some limits for me. The photo album was a very thoughtful gift from a friend, who knew I would appreciate a special album dedicated only to pictures from my daughter’s wedding. I thought of how small albums such as this as often called “brag books”, and during coffee with a friend this morning it became just that. I was giddy as we looked at the pictures together, pointing out family and friends to her, recalling memories from that lovely day.

And now I have a son-in-law, one who adores my daughter and treats her like a princess. As I looked through the many pictures, I could see so apparent the love they have for each other; the energy of their love radiating through the photographs. They will have their ups and downs, as all couples do. But I feel an intuitive sense of knowing that these two have a strong relationship made up of love, respect and sharing all things with each other. I’ve seen them together in the day to day events of life when I’ve stayed at their home, and they are going to be just fine. And a mother’s heart is reassured that her daughter’s heart is now in the gentle hands of a loving husband.

Ode to a Wedding

She walks down the aisle

Lovely and luminous

He waits to greet her

Glowing with love

They smile at each other

Heartfelt anticipation

Of words to be shared

In the presence of loved ones

The commitment of a lifetime

Once nestled deep in their hearts

Now bursts out in loving vows

As they shower onlookers with wedded bliss

The blushing and very happy bride

The wedding party

Saying their vows

The happy couple

Some time alone

So in love…

A proud and happy mom

Just in case she forgets the words

Having fun with the cake

The first dance as Mr. & Mrs.

Introducing… Mr. & Mrs. Workman!

A very tired flower girl






It’s pretty evident I love the moon; the name of my blog pretty much says it all. The latest full moon came into being a couple nights ago, and is slowly starting to wane. But its luminosity is still brilliant, as the moonlight gently streams through my skylight and into my home. I woke to this lovely energy at 2 a.m., as the shaft of a moonbeam settled upon my rocking chair. I graciously accepted the invitation to do a bit of moonbathing.  Slowly climbing out of bed, I nestled into my chair, allowing my body to rest in the glow of the moon. It is said that the moon is a feminine energy, and I felt motherly love and comfort as I let the sweet moonlight rock me in its cradle.

I sit in the chair

Moonbeam wrapped all around me

Bathed in lunar love


Blogging, just because…

It’s time again to revisit the reason I started a blog in the first place, as I find myself pouting recently over the minute number of responses to my blogs – oh, get over it! is what I keep telling my overactive ego. I have fallen into the self-gratifying habit of checking and rechecking my site stats, poring over the numbers like a statistician and trying to figure out how to attract more readers. Maybe I should only publish posts during the week and not the weekends; seems like that’s when more people view my posts, during the week, and early on in the day, not later in the evening. Then I start to ponder, what do the people want? Obviously it isn’t always what I think is interesting or entertaining or enlightening. Otherwise I would have surely been on Freshly Pressed by now – and by the way, what does it take to earn that featured status? Oh, the sad manipulation, all to try and gain attention – just like a child.

I ask myself the most important question of all, why do I write in the first place? Is it to try and get somewhere, to an exalted place in the world of writing or blogging? Or maybe, just maybe, it is the real reason that I started writing – because I love to write! When I rediscovered the joy of playing with words, with having thoughts come to me in a poem or a musing or a short story, I found a part in me that had been hidden for so long. I found that I am creative! And I found the most enjoyable outlet for my creative juices, the art of writing.

And really, I do this thing, writing, because it is a kick to create something. I often find myself reading my poems and stories over and over, and I love them! And I have to know that even if I only connect with one solitary soul as I write my blog posts, then I have done a great thing in reaching that soul. We don’t have to do such grandiose acts of connecting with one another to affect joy and inspiration in our fellow human beings. Sometimes we can touch others in ways that we may never know. My words are out there, the energy behind them is out there, and that is the key to why I blog. Holding back what I have to give in lieu of attention getting defeats the whole purpose. Reaching in and letting myself create, and then sharing that creativity is what this blog is all about, no matter if one person reads it or no one at all.

Inspired by stories of love

Because I no longer watch TV I find myself reading voraciously. The written word is often where I discover stories of life and love, be they real or imagined. And in these stories I see how love can be between two people, love that is strong enough to withstand the ups and downs of life. Words like partner, soul mate and true love are reflected in these relationships. Yet I also come across such lovely pairings in my connections with others. My daughter and her fiance glow with this deep love; a true partnership where they are so involved in building a life together, conferring with each other on all matters, large or small. With those who love this way there is a degree of support in each other that is incredible, as they fit together like puzzle pieces and create the picture of their life.



The pieces are strewn out

All over Creation

And our Creator sorts all of us out

To fit us together

Setting aside possibilities of pieces

That just might join together perfectly


You appear in His hand

With your cut – out pattern

Of you

God gently sets you aside

As He picks up the jig – saw piece

Of me

And tenderly places us side by side


We are different shapes

And uniquely colorful patterns

But when God joins us together

Our puzzle pieces fit

Perfectly interlocked

Because of our love


We are part of a glorious picture

Of all that life and love is

I need to connect with you

To help complete that picture

You are my puzzle piece

The one who fits me

So perfectly

My daughter and her fiance, so in love…