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Moleskin musings

my Moleskin musing materials

Last year at Christmas I was gifted with a Moleskin notebook, a fitting gift for my loving to write and journal self, but an item I never treated myself to. I often gazed at the collection of these well known journals at Powell’s Books in Portland, but my budget at the time just didn’t justify such a purchase.

And what exactly is so special about these little notebooks? They have a long, rich history that goes back to creative genuises such as Picasso, Van Gogh and Hemingway. In those eras the tag of “Moleskin”was absent; they were simply a black rectangle notebook with a rounded corner, elastic page holder and an expandable pocket inside in which to save important ephemera. The moniker of Moleskin came from the writer Bruce Chatwin, referring to a line in a book he wrote.

When I received my very own Moleskin I decided that it would not be so much a personal journal, revealing deep secret thoughts but rather more everyday musings about a variety of topics. Yes, I may stray into deep thinking territory at times, that’s just my nature as an introvert. But I like to keep it light and fun and just play with the words.

I feel I should give a shout out and some inspirational credit to a great book I just read, The Anthropocene Reviewed by John Green. He is a wonderful writer who has compiled his own musings about a variety of topics. The material in the book first came to being as a podcast, which is equally fun to listen to. Check out the book and the podcast, you won’t be disappointed!

In time to come I’ll share my Moleskin musings with all who care to read them and hopefully enjoy them. But as a lover of words, a logophile, I find the written word to be one of life’s great joys, be it reading those lovely words or arranging them in my own creative ways.

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